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Extra Field Exams

If you can't make regular field exams you can pay to host/schedule an extra exam.



Anchorage: Extra Field Test Fee of $3,000 plus $245 per person.


Fairbanks: Extra Field Test Fee of $4,000 plus $395 per person.


Juneau: Extra Field Test Fee of $3,000 plus $510 per person.


In the fall, an Extra Field Exam for night certification will require an additional per person fee as is usual for regular field exams.

Night field trials at the Fairbanks Regional Fire Training Center

Please send a request including the number of people attending to:



Request an extra field test. Once the date and site availability has been confirmed by email, send the full payment to have the extra field test advertised.


The party requesting the extra field test must prepay the entire fee, plus the normal registration fee for each person for that region, before the extra test can be announced. After certification, that party will be refunded an amount proportionate with the Extra Class Fee paid by any additional opacity readers attending. No per person fees will be refunded.

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